Welcome to Hotel Franca


Hotel FRANCA the ideal place to spend a holiday

The Gasperini-Giorgetti family’s fusion of tradition, professionalism, and love for their work makes Hotel FRANCA the ideal place to spend a holiday.


With over 60 years of experience in the hotel business, we have taken the legendary hospitality of the 1950s and 60s eras and integrated it into a modern and innovative premises, transforming our guests from mere tourists into the focus of a friendly and fun environment.


Our welcoming veranda, inviting pool, and well stocked American bar have all been specially designed and positioned close together to make your experience unforgettable.


Surrounded by magnolias, palms, and oleanders, our pool chairs are always ready to offer a moment of pure relaxation with soft music and warm sun.



Building on the tradition of the world-famous Romagnola cuisine, our chefs draw on a wide range of gastronomic cultures, including regional, ethnic, and nouvelle cuisines - an array that is sure to please even the most demanding palates.